This database comprises all the products that were registered with the VMD as of November 2015.
Download zip file here the readme text file that is reproduced below these screenshots is included in the zip file.
Table of Contents
Read this first.
This programme needs a specific dBase 10 runtime engine that will be loaded during installation. I have not had any problems running this on Microsoft Vista and above or any interference with other database programmes such as Sage.
I would recommend that you try this on one standalone computer before adding to a network. I do not know if it will work on a network.
Please note that the use of this programme is at your risk.
When you have downloaded the file PHC_VMDProd_setup.exe double click the file. Then select I accept for the licence and subsequently accept all the default options.
This programme consists of a tab box. The first tab allows you to browse through all the records whilst the second tab shows the individual information for the row highlighted in blue. This page also has the facility to link directly to the SPC on the VMD website.
Find Record is the opening page.
a) Top left is the filter to records entry field.
b) Below this are 3 radio buttons that allowing sorting of the data.
c) To the right are buttons to move to the beggining, end or by one record at a time and an exit button.
Distribution Categories are POM-V, POM-VPS, NFA-VPS and AVM-GSL. Selecting this radio button will order the records beginning with AVM-GSL.
Group refers to therapeutic group e.g Anthelmintic, Ectoparasiticide etc. Also ordered A > Z.
The VMNO orders the records on the basis of the Manufacturers Veterinary medicine number.
2. The filter box does not look for exact matches and will search through columns Distribution, Target species and active substances. This has the advantage that if you type in “chicken” you will retrieve all references that include “chicken”, “chickens”, “chickens, chickens”, “chickens, chickens, chickens”, “chickens, chickens, chickens, chickens” which are all categories in the excel spreadsheet. It will also find chicken when associated with words cat, pig, turkey or pheasant.
Having entered your search word press the TAB or RETURN key and the records will be filtered.
Individual Record
d) This presents all the data in the individual record and the link to the SPC.
e) To use the hyperlink click on the SPC_Link box. You will see a flashing vertical bar. Move the mouse over the words to the right of this box. The pointer should change to a hand and the words change colour to red. Left click and after a few seconds it should log into your default web browser and go direct to the SPC web page providing that the VMD website is up and working.
Folders installed
The files required to run this programme can be found in C:\PHC VMD Product Database.
Database engine and runtime files are also required for this dBase product. These can be found in Vista under C:\Programme Files\Common\Borland and C:\Programme Files (x86)\Common\Borland.
In windows 7 and above they will most likely be found under C:\Programme Files (x86)\Common\Borland.
The uninstall folder can be found in C:\PHC VMD Product Database. Then run unins000.exe or simply remove the folders described above.
No modifications are made to any registry keys during installation or on uninstall.