Salmonella control on farm – Know your enemy

February 19, 2017 David Parsons 0

This is part 2 of an article based on a presentation prepared for an Schering-Plough Animal Health roadshow about salmonella, sources of contamination, laboratory testing, the diseases and control. Knowing your enemy Salmonellae are bacteria that can cause infectious disease Other causes of infectious disease include (smallest to largest): Viruses [Read More]

Salmonella control on farm – Why bother?

February 19, 2017 David Parsons 0

This article is based on a presentation prepared for an Schering-Plough Animal Health roadshow about salmonella, sources of contamination, laboratory testing, the diseases and control. Why Bother? Salmonella can cause food poisoning It will put you out of business Forget the legislation. I believe that we are all in the [Read More]

Salmonella Control in Backyard Poultry

February 19, 2017 David Parsons 0

Why are you keeping chickens? This is the first and most important question. The answer will affect how much effort and money you are prepared to invest in a) controlling the likelihood of your chickens becoming infected and b) the true cost of minimising the risk of salmonella being associated [Read More]

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PHC VMD Product Database

February 19, 2017 David Parsons 0

This database comprises all the products that were registered with the VMD as of November 2015.   Download zip file here the readme text file that is reproduced below these screenshots is included in the zip file.   README TEXT FILE Read this first. Disclaimer This programme needs a specific [Read More]

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Avian Influenza – Bird Flu

February 19, 2017 David Parsons 0

There have been more Avian Influenza outbreaks globally in 2014-15 than previously so I will leave this information here. Abstracted from the Defra report 28/1/15 on Avian ‘Flu: “…. We would like to remind all poultry keepers to maintain high standards of biosecurity and report any suspect clinical signs promptly. [Read More]

Pigeon showing nervous signs and unable to stand up or balance properly

Pigeon paratyphoid

February 18, 2017 David Parsons 0

Pigeon parathyphoid is an infection that can cause disease in both birds and people. There are many strains that show differing abilities to cause disease. Generally the strains from pigeons are better adapted to pigeons whereas strains from psittacines, budgies and parrots, can cause severe disease in the bird and respiratory [Read More]

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Submission Forms

February 18, 2017 David Parsons 0

You may want to do a routine screen or start investigating a possible problem. This is to help you get started. Submission forms (PHPL1 & PHPL2) for bacteriology,yeast, bacterial sensitivity, worm eggs and coccidia and instructions – click here Droppings screen submission form, from £7 for one sample – click [Read More]

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Old Bird Planner

February 18, 2017 David Parsons 0

This Calculator is an aid to planning your Old Bird Season and Pairing up. This gives suggestions for feather mite control, paramyxo and paratyphoid vaccinations, canker treatments and laboratory checks to guide and streamline the treatment options. The small dash like object, bottom right of the entry field will give [Read More]

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Coccidia and Worms

February 18, 2017 David Parsons 0

Worms are one of the commonest cause of poor performance. A simple screen will confirm whether or not you are controlling them. Contents Pigeon hairworm egg – Capillaria sp. Pigeon roundworm egg – Ascaridia columbae Pigeon coccidial oocysts – E.labbeana Last Revision: 06/04/13 Hairworm egg They can be brown or [Read More]

Red Mite as seen under a microscope.

Red Mite Samples Required

March 30, 2014 admin 0

If you want to submit samples to the vaccine research at the Royal Veterinary College, London read on. I regret that James and his colleagues will be unable to help you with more general chicken matters.   Any samples sent through the post must be very securely wrapped to ensure [Read More]