The Nuffield Poultry Study Group is a specialist group within the Nuffield Farming Scholarships Trust.
“The Nuffield Poultry Study Group is composed of individuals who have been awarded Nuffield Poultry Scholarships from 1957 to the present date. The inaugural Meeting, organised by Alan Beckett and Mike Midgely, was held in the spring of 1982.
The format agreed at that first meeting has remained ever since, i.e. a Spring Meeting, which is part business and part social, includes the AGM and involves partners, and a Technical Meeting/ Study Tour in the Autumn, which is for scholars only. This invariably means visiting other parts of the world to see technical developements and farming practices in those countries.
Alan Beckett was the first chairman of the Group – from 1982 to 1986. Mike Midgely was the first secretary/treasurer – for the initial 16 years of the Group’s activities.
The Poultry Group was probably the first of the Nuffield “Specialist” study groups to be established.
The decision at the outset to involve partners at the annual spring meeting has helped create a friendlly atmosphere, which has contributed towards a free exchange of ideas and experiences.
The Tenth Anniversary Dinner was held at The Angel Hotel, Leamington Spa on May 12th 1991
The group now represents a complete cross section of the UK Poultry Industry, both eggs and poultry meat, (producers, packers, breeders, day old chick suppliers, feed manufacturers, consultants, egg processors and veterinarians) and in most recent years the group has visited most of the world’s leading poultry production countries.”
If you are between 22 and 45 years of age and would like to know more about the Nuffield Farming Scholarships visit
Argentina – 2011
India – 2010